When you’re on a competitive adult recreational tennis team, there are ways to be a good teammate and a not-so-good-teammate. A captain’s job is never easy. They must make decisions for a group of competitive...
This week we’re talking about how attending professional tennis tournaments can improve your game. This is the third episode we are dedicating to USTA’s National Tennis Month. Professional Tournaments — Billie Jean King Cup and...
It’s May 2022 which means it’s National Tennis Month! This week we’re talking about how to sign up for social or competitive adult leagues. It’s fun to play in leagues because it gives players a...
We were thrilled to have Cy King and Julie Dick join us to discuss the 2022 Cy King Summer Classic and the Cy King Community Tennis Fund! A Tennis Legend Cy King is a Raleigh...
May is National Tennis Month. We are excited to release the first of four episodes dedicated to it called “How to Get Your Friends to Start Playing Tennis”. According to Peter Francesconi, Editor at Racquet...
Have you ever wondered how tennis courts are built? Or what types of surfaces there are and why you need to wear special shoes for them? Or the biggest question of all…. can I afford...
This is the final episode of our three-part series about SwingVision’s new features and the future. Swupnil is the Co-Founder and CEO of SwingVision. SwingVision is the cutting-edge A.I. technology that provides real-time shot tracking,...
Have you heard of SwingVision? It’s the technology that will improve your tennis game! Carolyn and Erin are happy to welcome Swupnil Sahai back. Swupnil is the Co-Founder and CEO of SwingVision and is back...
This week we’re talking about SwingVision – cutting-edge technology to improve your tennis game! Have you ever been upset over line calls? Have you finished a match and had no idea what happened on the...
Kana is back to tell us about experience playing adult recreational tennis in the Northeast. That’s why we’re calling this Sopranos-Style Tennis, Playing in New Jersey! Never A Dull Moment Playing Tennis in New Jersey...